Monday, February 15, 2010

Dysport vs. Botox

Botox and Dysport are both FDA-approved.  Recently Plastic Surgery Practice Magazine published an article about this:
1.   Dysport has a quicker onset of action.
2.  Dysport requires 3 units for every one of Botox to have equal effect.
3.  Longevity is similar----3-4 months
4.  Few if any side effects
5.  Cost is about the same
6.  "Newer is better?"

All in all, Dysport is a good product.  It does appear to have a quicker onset.   Both patient populations---Botox and Dysport are happy patient groups.  Like all other practices, Dysport has only a 6 month track record with us and the results are favorable.

Call us for fabulous friday pricing on the Dysport.

If you have any questions, please reply with your comments and I will be happy to address them in my next Blog entry.

Jonathan Berman, MD

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